Thursday, October 31, 2013

jquery html css dropdown menu part not use any extern package


<header id="desktopHeader">
    <section id="desktopNav" class="desktopNav">
        <div id="nav-panel">

            <ul class="topnav">
                <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url(); ?>"><?php echo 'H<sub>2</sub>O ( ' . $this->web->host() . ' )'; ?></a></li>
                <li class="parnav">
                    <a href="#">Бүтэц<span></span></a>
                    <ul class="subul">
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('menu'); ?>">Цэс ...</a></li>
                        <li class="sepline"><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('category/create'); ?>">Хэсэг үүсгэх</a></li>
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('category'); ?>">Хэсгүүд ...</a></li>                       
                <li class="parnav">
                    <a href="#">Бүрэлдэхүүн<span></span></a>
                    <ul class="subul">
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('article'); ?>">Агуулга ...</a></li>
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('article/create'); ?>">Агуулга Үүсгэх</a></li>
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('articletype'); ?>">Агуулгын Төрлүүд ...</a></li>
                        <li class="sepline"><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('media'); ?>">Медиа ...</a></li>
                        <li class="sepline"><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('tag'); ?>">Түлхүүр үгс ...</a></li>
                        <li class="sepline"><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('extendfield'); ?>">Нэмэлт мэдээлэл ...</a></li>
                <li class="parnav">
                    <a href="#">Тохиргоо<span></span></a>
                    <ul class="subul">
                        <li class="subnav">
                            <a href="#">Лавлах мэдээлэл<span></span></a>
                            <ul class="subul">
                                <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('country'); ?>">- Улс -</a></li>
                                <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('language'); ?>">- Хэл -</a></li>
                                <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('currency'); ?>">- Валют -</a></li>
                        <li><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('setting'); ?>">Тохируулгууд ...</a></li>
                        <li class="sepline"><a class="navlink" href="<?php echo admin_url('user'); ?>">Хэрэглэгч ба эрх ...</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Тусламж</a></li>
            <ul class="rightnav">
                    <div>Хэрэглэгч : <?php echo $this->context->user(); ?> (<?php echo $this->context->role(); ?>)</div>
                <li><div><a href="<?php echo site_url(); ?>" target="_blank">Веб</a></div></li>
                <li><div><a href="<?php echo admin_url('auth/logout'); ?>">Гарах</a></div></li>
                    <div class="time">
                        <?php echo '<i>MGL: '.local_datetime().'</i>'; ?>
                        <?php echo '<i>UTC: '.utc_datetime().'</i>'; ?>
<!--                        <a href="<?php echo admin_url(); ?>">
                            <img src="<?php echo theme_url('images/world_flags/flag_mn.gif'); ?>" alt="en">
                    <div id="test0">

    $(function() {
        $('#nav-panel ul.topnav li > a').hover(function() {
            var a = $(this).addClass('hover');
            var li = $(a).parent();
            var ul = $(a).next().show();
            if ($(li).hasClass('subnav')) {
                $(ul).css('top', '0').css('left', $(li).width());
            $(li).hover(function() {
            }, function() {
                //When the mouse hovers out of the subnav, move it back up


#nav-panel {
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;

#nav-panel ul.rightnav{
    position: fixed;
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0 10px;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;
    font-size: 1.2em;
ul.rightnav li {
    border-left: 1px solid #444;
    border-right: 1px solid #333;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    font: bold 13px/17px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,sans-serif;
    position: relative;
    text-shadow: 0 0 2px #000000;
ul.rightnav li div{
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    padding: 8px 12px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-decoration: none;
ul.rightnav li div a:hover{
    text-decoration: underline;
ul.rightnav li div.time {
    position: relative;
    line-height: 11px;
    width: 140px;
    padding: 6px 2px;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 11px;
ul.rightnav li div.time i {
    position: relative;
    font-style: normal;
    white-space: nowrap;
    top: -2px;
ul.rightnav li div#test {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

#nav-panel ul.topnav {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0 10px;   
    margin: 0;
    float: left;
    display: block;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;
    font-size: 1.2em;
ul.topnav li {
    border-left: 1px solid #444;
    border-right: 1px solid #333;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    font: bold 13px/17px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,sans-serif;
    position: relative;
    text-shadow: 0 0 2px #000000;

ul.topnav li a{
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    padding: 8px 12px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-decoration: none;
ul.topnav li a.hover{
    background: url(images/bg-noise.jpg) repeat-x scroll 0 0 #1B1B1B;

ul.topnav li.parnav a{
    padding-right: 30px;
ul.topnav li.parnav a span { /*--Drop down trigger styles--*/
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: 0;
    width: 10px;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/subnav10.gif) no-repeat center top;

ul.topnav li.subnav a{
    padding-right: 30px;
ul.topnav li.subnav a span {
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: 0;
    width: 10px;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/dropdo10.gif) no-repeat center center;

ul.topnav li ul.subul {
    list-style: none;
    position: absolute;
    left: -2px; top: 32px;
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    display: none;
    float: left;
    border: 1px solid #111;
    border-top: none;
    background: url(images/bg-noise.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0 #1B1B1B;
    z-index: 10000;
ul.topnav li.subnav ul.subul {
    border: 1px solid #111;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li{
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    float: none;
    clear: both;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li a {
    white-space: nowrap;
    padding-left: 15px;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li a:hover {
    background: #111;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li.sepline{
    border-top: 1px solid #444;

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

mysql group_concat,concat with join

  group_concat( ids, 
  group_concat(b.title) titles,
  group_concat(concat("<a href='index.php?id=",, "'>", b.title, "</a>")) titlelist
from participants a
inner join
  posts b on b.parentid =
group by,
id       Name       Value
1          A          4
1          A          5
1          B          8
2          C          9
id          Column
1          A:4,5,B:8
2          C:9  
select id, group_concat(`Name` separator ',') as `Column`
  select id, concat(`Name`, ':',
  group_concat(`Value` separator ',')) as `Name`
  from mytbl
  group by id, `Name`
) tbl
group by id; 

jquery my extended panel splitter version

(function($, undefined) {
    var splitter_count = 0;
    var splitter_id = null;
    var splitters = [];
    var current_splitter = null;
    $.fn.split = function(options) {
        var data ='splitter');
        if (data) {
            return data;
        var panel_1;
        var panel_2;
        var settings = $.extend({
            rightIsFixed: false, //BOROO added this line
            limit: 100,
            orientation: 'horizontal',
            position: '25%',
            onDragStart: $.noop,
            onDragEnd: $.noop,
            onDrag: $.noop,
            onRefresh: $.noop,
            onShowing: $.noop,
            onHidding: $.noop
        }, options || {});
        var cls;
        var children = this.children();
        if (settings.orientation == 'vertical') {
            panel_1 = children.first().addClass('left_panel');
            panel_2 ='right_panel');
            cls = 'vsplitter';
        } else if (settings.orientation == 'horizontal') {
            panel_1 = children.first().addClass('top_panel')
            panel_2 ='bottom_panel');
            cls = 'hsplitter';
        var width = this.width();
        var height = this.height();
        var id = splitter_count;
        var splitter = $('<div/>').addClass(cls).data('splitter-id', id).mouseenter(function() {
            splitter_id = $(this).data('splitter-id');
        }).mouseleave(function() {
            splitter_id = null;
        var position;

        function get_position(position) {
            if (typeof position === 'number') {
                return position;
            } else if (typeof position === 'string') {
                var match = position.match(/^([0-9]+)(px|%)$/);
                if (match) {
                    if (match[2] == 'px') {
                        return +match[1];
                    } else {
                        if (settings.orientation == 'vertical') {
                            return (width * +match[1]) / 100;
                        } else if (settings.orientation == 'horizontal') {
                            return (height * +match[1]) / 100;
                } else {
                    //throw position + ' is invalid value';
            } else {
                //throw 'position have invalid type';

        var self = $.extend(this, {
            splitControl: splitter,
            onRefresh: settings.onRefresh,
            onShowing: settings.onShowing,
            onHidding: settings.onHidding
        self = $.extend(self, {
            refresh: function() {
                var new_width = this.width();
                var new_height = this.height();
                if (width != new_width || height != new_height) {
                    width = this.width();
                    height = this.height();
                } else {
                    //BOROO added this code [start]
                    var p1_none = $(splitter).prev().css('display') === 'none';
                    if (p1_none) {
                        splitter.css('cursor', 'pointer');
                    } else {
                        var n1_none = $(splitter).next().css('display') === 'none';
                        if (n1_none) {
                            splitter.css('cursor', 'pointer');
                        } else {
                            splitter.css('cursor', 'col-resize');
                    //BOROO added this code [end]
                //BOROO added this code [start]
                //BOROO added this code [end]
            position: (function() {
                if (settings.orientation == 'vertical') {
                    return function(n, silent) {
                        if (n === undefined) {
                            return position;
                        } else {
                            position = get_position(n);
                            var sw = splitter.width() / 2;
                            //BOROO edited this code [start]                           
                            var p1_none = $(splitter).prev().css('display') === 'none';
                            if (p1_none) {
                                splitter.css('left', 0);
                                panel_2.width(self.width() - splitter.width());
                            } else {
                                var n1_none = $(splitter).next().css('display') === 'none';
                                if (n1_none) {
                                    splitter.css('left', self.width() - splitter.width());
                                    panel_1.width(self.width() - splitter.width());
                                } else {
                                    splitter.css('left', position - sw);
                                    panel_1.width(position - sw);
                                    panel_2.width(self.width() - position - sw);
                            //BOROO edited this code [end]
                        if (!silent) {
                        return self;
                } else if (settings.orientation == 'horizontal') {
                    return function(n, silent) {
                        if (n === undefined) {
                            return position;
                        } else {
                            position = get_position(n);
                            var sw = splitter.height() / 2;
                            splitter.css('top', position - sw);
                            panel_1.height(position - sw);
                            panel_2.height(self.height() - position - sw);
                        if (!silent) {
                        return self;
                } else {
                    return $.noop;
            orientation: settings.orientation,
            limit: settings.limit,
            rightIsFixed: settings.rightIsFixed, //BOROO added this line
            isActive: function() {
                return splitter_id === id;
            destroy: function() {
                if (settings.orientation == 'vertical') {
                } else if (settings.orientation == 'horizontal') {
                splitters[id] = null;
                var not_null = false;
                for (var i = splitters.length; i--; ) {
                    if (splitters[i] !== null) {
                        not_null = true;
                //remove document events when no splitters
                if (!not_null) {
                    splitters = [];
                //BOROO added this code [start]
                var data ='splitter');
                if (data) {
                return self;
                //BOROO added this code [end]
        self.bind('splitter.refresh', function() {
            //call refresh method
        self.bind('splitter.showing', function() {
            //call refresh method
        self.bind('splitter.hidding', function() {
            //call refresh method
        self.bind('splitter.resize', function(e) {
            var pos = self.position();
            //BOROO added this code [start]           
            if (self.orientation === 'vertical') {
                if (self.rightIsFixed) {
                    var oldw ='old-width');
                    if (typeof oldw !== 'undefined' && oldw !== self.width()) {
                        pos = pos + (self.width() - oldw);
                        //self.width() - panel_2.width() - sw;
            //BOROO added this code [end]
            if (self.orientation == 'vertical' && pos > self.width()) {
                pos = self.width() - self.limit - 1;
            } else if (self.orientation == 'horizontal' && pos > self.height()) {
                pos = self.height() - self.limit - 1;
            if (pos < self.limit) {
                pos = self.limit + 1;
  'old-width', self.width());
            self.position(pos, true);
        //inital position of splitter
        var pos;
        if (settings.orientation == 'vertical') {
            if (pos > width - settings.limit) {
                pos = width - settings.limit;
            } else {
                pos = get_position(settings.position);
        } else if (settings.orientation == 'horizontal') {
            //position = height/2;
            if (pos > height - settings.limit) {
                pos = height - settings.limit;
            } else {
                pos = get_position(settings.position);
        if (pos < settings.limit) {
            pos = settings.limit;
        self.position(pos, true);
        if (splitters.length == 0) { // first time bind events to document
            $(window).bind('resize.splitter', function() {
                $.each(splitters, function(i, splitter) {

            $(document.documentElement).bind('mousedown.splitter', function(e) {
                if (splitter_id !== null) {
                    current_splitter = splitters[splitter_id];
                    //BOROO added this code [start]                   
                    if ($(current_splitter.splitControl).attr('class') === 'vsplitter') {
                        var p1_none = $(current_splitter.splitControl).prev().css('display') === 'none';
                        if (p1_none) {
                                    .css('cursor', 'col-resize')

                        } else {
                            var n1_none = $(current_splitter.splitControl).next().css('display') === 'none';
                            if (n1_none) {
                                        .css('cursor', 'col-resize')

                    //BOROO added this code [end]
                    $('<div class="splitterMask"></div>').insertAfter(current_splitter);
                    if (current_splitter.orientation == 'horizontal') {
                        $('body').css('cursor', 'row-resize');
                    } else if (current_splitter.orientation == 'vertical') {
                        $('body').css('cursor', 'col-resize');
                    return false;
            }).bind('mouseup.splitter', function(e) {
                current_splitter = null;
                $('body').css('cursor', 'auto');
            }).bind('mousemove.splitter', function(e) {
                if (current_splitter !== null) {
                    var limit = current_splitter.limit;
                    var offset = current_splitter.offset();
                    if (current_splitter.orientation == 'vertical') {
                        var x = e.pageX - offset.left;
                        if (x <= current_splitter.limit) {
                            x = current_splitter.limit + 1;
                        else if (x >= current_splitter.width() - limit) {
                            x = current_splitter.width() - limit - 1;
                        if (x > current_splitter.limit &&
                                x < current_splitter.width() - limit) {
                            current_splitter.position(x, true);
                            return false;
                    } else if (current_splitter.orientation == 'horizontal') {
                        var y = e.pageY -;
                        if (y <= current_splitter.limit) {
                            y = current_splitter.limit + 1;
                        else if (y >= current_splitter.height() - limit) {
                            y = current_splitter.height() - limit - 1;
                        if (y > current_splitter.limit &&
                                y < current_splitter.height() - limit) {
                            current_splitter.position(y, true);
                            return false;

        splitters.push(self);'splitter', self);
        return self;


#nav-panel {
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;

#nav-panel ul.rightnav{
    position: fixed;
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0 10px;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;
    font-size: 1.2em;
ul.rightnav li {
    border-left: 1px solid #444;
    border-right: 1px solid #333;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    font: bold 13px/17px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,sans-serif;
    position: relative;
    text-shadow: 0 0 2px #000000;
ul.rightnav li div{
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    padding: 8px 12px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-decoration: none;
ul.rightnav li div a:hover{
    text-decoration: underline;
ul.rightnav li div.time {
    position: relative;
    line-height: 11px;
    width: 140px;
    padding: 6px 2px;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 11px;
ul.rightnav li div.time i {
    position: relative;
    font-style: normal;
    white-space: nowrap;
    top: -2px;
ul.rightnav li div#test {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

#nav-panel ul.topnav {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0 10px;   
    margin: 0;
    float: left;
    display: block;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/bg-nav.png) repeat-x scroll 0 bottom #1B1B1B;
    font-size: 1.2em;
ul.topnav li {
    border-left: 1px solid #444;
    border-right: 1px solid #333;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    font: bold 13px/17px "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,sans-serif;
    position: relative;
    text-shadow: 0 0 2px #000000;

ul.topnav li a{
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    padding: 8px 12px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-decoration: none;
ul.topnav li a.hover{
    background: url(images/bg-noise.jpg) repeat-x scroll 0 0 #1B1B1B;

ul.topnav li.parnav a{
    padding-right: 30px;
ul.topnav li.parnav a span { /*--Drop down trigger styles--*/
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: 0;
    width: 10px;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/subnav10.gif) no-repeat center top;

ul.topnav li.subnav a{
    padding-right: 30px;
ul.topnav li.subnav a span {
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: 0;
    width: 10px;
    height: 34px;
    background: url(images/dropdo10.gif) no-repeat center center;

ul.topnav li ul.subul {
    list-style: none;
    position: absolute;
    left: -2px; top: 32px;
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    display: none;
    float: left;
    border: 1px solid #111;
    border-top: none;
    background: url(images/bg-noise.jpg) repeat scroll 0 0 #1B1B1B;
    z-index: 10000;
ul.topnav li.subnav ul.subul {
    border: 1px solid #111;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li{
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    color: #E6E6E6;
    display: block;
    float: none;
    clear: both;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li a {
    white-space: nowrap;
    padding-left: 15px;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li a:hover {
    background: #111;
ul.topnav li ul.subul li.sepline{
    border-top: 1px solid #444;

javascript prototype extends attempt, 2009

/////////////////////////////////prototype extends///////////////////////////////////


Date.prototype.formatedString = function () {
    var Y = "" + this.getFullYear();
    var mm = "" + (this.getMonth() + 1);
    var d = "" + this.getDate();
    var h = "" + this.getHours();
    var m = "" + this.getMinutes();
    var s = "" + this.getSeconds();
    return Y + "." + (mm.length == 1 ? "0" + mm : mm) + "." + (d.length == 1 ? "0" + d : d)
                + " " + (h.length == 1 ? "0" + h : h) + ":" + (m.length == 1 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + (s.length == 1 ? "0" + s : s);
Date.prototype.isBetween = function (start, end) {
    return (start <= this && this <= end);
String.prototype.isBool = function () {
    return (/^true$/i).test(this) || (/^false$/i).test(this);
String.prototype.isInt = function () {
    return (/^[0-9]+$/).test(this);
String.prototype.isDouble = function () {
    return (/^(-{0,1})([0-9]+)(\.{0,1})([0-9]*)$/).test(this);
String.prototype.isMoney = function () {
    return (/^\$?\d+(\.(\d{2}))?$/).test(this);
String.prototype.isTrue = function () {
    return (/^true$/i).test(this);


StringBuilder = function (value) {
    this.strings = new Array("");
StringBuilder.prototype.append = function (value, unshift) {
    if (unshift) {
    } else {
StringBuilder.prototype.clear = function () {
    this.strings.length = 1;
StringBuilder.prototype.toString = function () {
    return this.strings.join("");

//convert methods

__ToTimeStr = function (n) {
    var v = n + '';
    return (v.length == 1 ? '0' + v : v);

__ToNumeric = function (s) {
    var i = 0;
    var v = s + '';
    do {
        var c = v.charAt(i);
        if (c == '0') i++; else break;
    } while (i < v.length);
    if (i == v.length) return 0;
    return parseInt(i == 0 ? v : v.substr(i, v.length - i));

__DateStrToArray = function (value) {
    var values = new Array();
    values["year"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(0, 4));
    values["month"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(5, 2));
    values["day"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(8, 2));
    values["hour"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(11, 2));
    values["minute"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(14, 2));
    values["second"] = __ToNumeric(value.substr(17, 2));
    return values;

//string utility

__has = function (text) {
    return !(text == null || _trim(text) == '');

__trim = function (text) {
    return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");

__date = function (value) {
    var arr = __DateStrToArray(value);
    var d = new Date();
    d.setFullYear(arr["year"], arr["month"] - 1, arr["day"]);
    d.setHours(arr["hour"], arr["minute"], arr["second"], 0);
    return d;

//browser data utility

__cookie = function (name, value, exp_date) {
    if (name && !value && !exp_date) {
        var results = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
        if (results)
            return (unescape(results[2]));
            return null;
    if (name && value == false) {
        var cookie_date = new Date();  // current date & time
        cookie_date.setTime(cookie_date.getTime() - 1);
        document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + cookie_date.toGMTString();
    } else {
        var cookie_string = name + "=" + escape(value);
        if (exp_date) {
            if (typeof exp_date != 'string')
                cookie_string += "; expires=" + exp_date.toGMTString();
                cookie_string += "; expires=" + exp_date;
        if (path)
            cookie_string += "; path=" + escape(path);
        if (domain)
            cookie_string += "; domain=" + escape(domain);
        if (secure)
            cookie_string += "; secure";
        document.cookie = cookie_string;

__cookieForever = function (name, value) {
    if (value != null) {
        value = value.toString();
        var expireDate = new Date();
        expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth() + 12);

        document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + ";expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString();
        return document.cookie;
    } else {
        if (document.cookie != "") {
            var arr = document.cookie.split(";");
            for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                var val2 = arr[i].split("=");
                if (val2[0].replace(' ', '') == name)
                    return decodeURIComponent(val2[1]);
        return null;

//if use this method path=/
__cookieWide = function (name, value) {
    if (value != null) {
        value = value.toString();
        var expireDate = new Date();
        expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth() + 12);

        document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + ";expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString() + ";path=/";
        return document.cookie;
    } else {
        if (document.cookie != "") {
            var arr = document.cookie.split(";");
            for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                var val2 = arr[i].split("=");
                if (val2[0].replace(' ', '') == name)
                    return decodeURIComponent(val2[1]);
        return null;

__postdata = function () {
    var r20 = /%20/g;
    if (arguments.length == 2) {
        if (typeof arguments[2] !== 'function') {
            var key = arguments[0];
            var value = arguments[1];
            return encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value).replace(r20, "+");
    } else {
        var s = [], add = function (key, value) {
            // If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
            s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value).replace(r20, "+");
        }, arr = arguments[0];
        //any string
        if (typeof arr == 'string') {
            return encodeURIComponent(arr).replace(r20, "+");
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                add(arr[i].name, arr[i].value);
            return s.join("&").replace(r20, "+");

__homepage = function (url) {
    if (document.all) { = 'url(#default#homepage)';
    else if (window.sidebar) {
        if (window.netscape) {
            try {
            catch (e) {
                alert("this action was aviod by your browser,if you want to enable,please enter about:config in your address line,and change the value of signed.applets.codebase_principal_support to true");
        var prefs = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
        prefs.setCharPref('browser.startup.homepage', url);

__copy = function (id) {
    if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) // Internet Explorer
        window.clipboardData.setData("text", text);
    else {"UniversalXPConnect");
        var clipboardHelper = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper);

//event methods

__RemoveSelection = function () {
    if (window.getSelection) {
        var selection = window.getSelection();
    } else if (document.selection.createRange) {
        var range = document.selection.createRange();

__NumericKeyDown = function (e) {
    var obj = e.srcElement ? e.srcElement :;
    var key = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
    if (key == 8 || key == '8' || key == 9 || key == '9' || key == 46 || key == '46') return true;
    if (key == 37 || key == '37' || key == 39 || key == '39') return true;
    if (key == 189 || key == '189' || key == 109 || key == '109') {
        if (obj.value.indexOf('-') > -1 || obj.value.indexOf('-') > -1) {
            if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;
            return false;
        else {
            return true;
    if (key == 190 || key == '190' || key == 110 || key == '110') {
        if (obj.value.indexOf('.') > -1 || obj.value.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;
            return false;
        else {
            return true;
    if (!(48 <= key && key <= 57 || 96 <= key && key <= 105)) {
        if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;
        return false;
    return true;

__FormattedKeyDown = function (evt, format) {
    try {
        var obj;
        if (evt.srcElement) obj = evt.srcElement; else obj =;
        if (evt.keyCode == '8' || evt.witch == '8' || evt.keyCode == '46' || evt.witch == '46') {
            if (document.execCommand) document.execCommand('undo', false, null);
            return false;
        var locs = format;
        var cpos = __doGetCaretPosition(obj) - 1;
        if (cpos < 0) cpos = 0;
        var chr = __doGetCaretChar(obj, cpos);

        if (evt.keyCode == '36' || evt.witch == '36') {
            __doSetCaretPosition(obj, 0);
            return true;
        if (evt.keyCode == '37' || evt.witch == '37' || evt.keyCode == '38' || evt.witch == '38') {
            __doSetCaretPosition(obj, cpos);
            return true;
        if (evt.keyCode == '39' || evt.witch == '39' || evt.keyCode == '35' || evt.witch == '35') {
            if (evt.srcElement) {
                if (cpos >= locs.length - 1) cpos = obj.value.length - 1; else cpos++;
                __doSetCaretPosition(obj, cpos);
                return true;
            } else {
                __doSetCaretPosition(obj, cpos);
                return true;

        var loc = locs.charAt(cpos);
        __doSetCaretPosition(obj, cpos);
        if (chr.length > 0) {
            if (loc == '#') {
                if ("0123456789".indexOf(chr.charAt(0)) == -1) __doSetCaretChar(obj, cpos, "0");
            else if (loc != '*') __doSetCaretChar(obj, cpos, loc);
            __doSetCaretPosition(obj, cpos + 1);
        return true;
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

__doGetCaretChar = function (oField, iCaretPos) {
    return oField.value.substr(iCaretPos);
__doSetCaretChar = function (oField, iCaretPos, oText) {
    if (oField.value.length <= 0 || oField.value.length < iCaretPos) return;
    oField.value = oField.value.substr(0, iCaretPos) + oText + oField.value.substr(iCaretPos + 1);
__doGetCaretPosition = function (oField) {
    var iCaretPos = 0;
    if (document.selection) {
        var oSel = document.selection.createRange();
        oSel.moveStart('character', -oField.value.length);
        iCaretPos = oSel.text.length;
    } else if (oField.selectionStart) iCaretPos = oField.selectionStart;
    return iCaretPos;
__doSetCaretPosition = function (oField, iCaretPos) {
    if (document.selection) {
        var oSel = document.selection.createRange();
        oSel.moveStart('character', iCaretPos);
        oSel.moveEnd('character', 1);;
    } else {
        oField.selectionStart = iCaretPos;
        oField.selectionEnd = iCaretPos + 1;

jquery extends attempt, 2009

var _objects = {
    interface0: {
        data: new Array(),
        getString: function () { return JSON.stringify(this); },
        extend: function (args) {
            var obj = (typeof args == 'string') ? eval('(' + args + ')') : args;
            $.extend(this, obj, true);
            return this;
        parse: function (args) {
            var i = args.toString().indexOf('{');
            if (i == -1) i = args.toString().indexOf('}');
            if (i == -1) { return { data: args.toString() }; }
            return (typeof args == 'string') ? eval('(' + args + ')') : args;
    create: function () {
        var o = {};
        if (arguments.length == 1) {
            try {
                //Long l = Long.parseLong(arguments[0]);
                o = $.extend({}, { id: arguments[0] }, true);
            } catch (ex) {
                o = $.extend({}, { id: 0 }, true);
                var obj = (typeof arguments[0] == 'string') ? eval('(' + arguments[0] + ')') : arguments[0];
                o = $.extend({}, obj, true);
        } else if (arguments.length == 2) {
            var obj = (typeof arguments[1] == 'string') ? eval('(' + arguments[1] + ')') : arguments[1];
            o = $.extend({}, obj, true);
            o = $.extend(o, { id: arguments[0] }, true);
        } else
            o = $.extend({}, { id: 0 }, true);
        o = $.extend(o, this.interface0, true); = new Array();
        //var n = new MyEntity(10);
        //n.hi = "hi boroo";
        //var obj = new MyEntity(20, n.getString());
        //var n = new MyEntity(10, "{name:'baatar'}");
        //alert(["a"] );
        return o;
    //var a = _objects.create(22);
    //var b = _objects.create(33);
    //b.hi = "welcome, boroo";

(function ($) {
    $._Calendar = new Date();
    $.extend($._Calendar, {
        month: function() { return $._Calendar.getMonth() + 1; },
        months: function() { return ("" + ($._Calendar.getMonth() + 1)).length == 1 ? "0" + ($._Calendar.getMonth() + 1) : "" + ($._Calendar.getMonth() + 1); },
        year: function() { return $._Calendar.getFullYear(); },
        dow: function() { return $._Calendar.getDay(); },
        dom: function() { return $._Calendar.getDate() },
        doms: function() { return ("" + $._Calendar.getDate()).length == 1 ? "0" + $._Calendar.getDate() : "" + $._Calendar.getDate(); }
    }, true);
    $.extend($._Calendar, {
        dateValue: function () { return $._Calendar.year() + "." + $._Calendar.months() + "." + $._Calendar.doms(); },
        nowString: function () {
            var d = new Date();
            return d.toGMTString();
        dateString: function () {
            var d = new Date();
            return d.getFullYear() + "-" + d.getMonth() + "-" + d.getDate();
        timeString: function () {
            var d = new Date();
            return d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();
    }, true);

    $.extend($.expr[':'], {
        'containsi': function (elem, i, match, array) {
            //(elem.textContent || elem.innerText || '')
            var val = $(elem).html().toLowerCase();
            var str = (match[3] || "").toLowerCase();
            return (val.indexOf(str) >= 0);

    $.centerPopup = function() { 
        //request data for centering 
        var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; 
        var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; 
        var popupHeight = $("#popupContent").height(); 
        var popupWidth = $("#popupContent").width(); 
            "position": "absolute", 
            "top": windowHeight/2-popupHeight/2, 
            "left": windowWidth/2-popupWidth/2 
        //only need force for IE6 
            "height": windowHeight 
    $.filterTable = function(text, dataTableSelector, targetTableSelector) {
        if (typeof $(dataTableSelector).data("Table-Tr-Data") == 'undefined' || $(dataTableSelector).data("Table-Tr-Data") == null) {
            $(dataTableSelector).data("Table-Tr-Data", $(dataTableSelector).find("> tbody > tr"));
        var plus = (text.indexOf('+') > -1);
        var trs = $(dataTableSelector).data("Table-Tr-Data");
        var target = $(targetTableSelector).find(">tbody");

        if (plus) {
            var txts = text.split('+');
            for (var i = 0; i < txts.length; i++) {
                var txt = txts[i];
                trs = $(trs).filter(":containsi('" + txt + "')");
        } else {
            var txts = text.split(' ');
            for (var i = 0; i < txts.length; i++) {
                var txt = txts[i];
                var trs0 = $(trs).filter(":containsi('" + txt + "')");
        return trs;

    $.fn.makeDatePicker = function (method, format) {
        var calendarButtonGif = "/Scripts/jquery/images/calendar.gif";
        var target = $(this).datepicker({
            showOn: "both",
            buttonImage: calendarButtonGif,
            buttonImageOnly: true,
            showOtherMonths: true,
            selectOtherMonths: true,
            changeMonth: true,
            changeYear: true,
            onSelect: method,
            dateFormat: ((format == null || !format || typeof format == 'undefined') ? $.datepicker.ATOM : format),
            yearRange: 'c-100:c+20'
            //constrainInput: false
        var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(target[0]);
        var dateFormat = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat');
        var settings = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst);
            //alert($.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, new Date(target.val()), settings));
            $.datepicker._selectDate("#" + target.attr("id"), $.datepicker._formatDate(inst, new Date(target.val())));
        return target;
    $.fn.createDropDownMenu = function (options) {
        var a, closetimerHandle = 0, settings = jQuery.extend({
            timeout: 100,
            item: "li",
            query: "> li > a",
            subQuery: "ul",
            hoverClass: "hoverClass"
        }, options),
        closeMethod = function () { // close
            .css("visibility", "hidden");
        closetimer = function () { // go close timer
            closetimerHandle = window.setTimeout(closeMethod, settings.timeout);
        cancelclosetimer = function () { // cancel close timer
            if (closetimerHandle) {
                closetimerHandle = null;
        aopen = function () {

            .css("visibility", "visible");

        a = $(this).find(settings.query);

        return this;

    $.fn.ajaxQuery = function (url, callback, options) {
        var loadingImageGif = "/Content/admin/images/loading.gif",
        params, off = url.indexOf("?"), setting = $.extend({
            loadingImage: loadingImageGif,
            loadingImageWidth: 12,
            loadingImageHeight: 12
        }, options);

        if (off >= 0) {
            params = url.slice(off + 1, url.length);
            url = url.slice(0, off);
        var type = "GET";
        var self = this;
        // Request the remote document
            url: url,
            type: type,
            dataType: "html",
            data: params,
            beforeSend: function () {
                self.html($("<img width='" + setting.loadingImageWidth + "' height='" + setting.loadingImageHeight + "'>")
                    .attr("src", setting.loadingImage)
                    .css("border", "none"));
            success: function (data) {
                alert(data.toLowerCase() == "true" ? "Амжилттай" : (data.toLowerCase() == "false" ? "Амжилтгүй !!!" : data));

        return this;

    $.fn.ajaxGet = function (url, options) {
        var loadingImageGif = "/Content/admin/images/loading.gif",
        params, off = url.indexOf("?"), setting = $.extend({
            loadingImage: loadingImageGif,
            loadingImageWidth: 36,
            loadingImageHeight: 36
        }, options);

        if (off >= 0) {
            params = url.slice(off + 1, url.length);
            url = url.slice(0, off);
        var self = this;
        // Request the remote document
            url: url,
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "html",
            data: params,
            beforeSend: function () {
                self.html($("<img width='" + setting.loadingImageWidth + "' height='" + setting.loadingImageHeight + "'>")
                    .attr("src", setting.loadingImage)
                    .css("border", "none"));
            success: function (data) {

        return this;

    $.fn.ajaxPost = function (formIndex, options) {
        var loadingImageGif = "/Content/admin/images/loading.gif",
        setting = $.extend({
            loadingImage: loadingImageGif,
            loadingImageWidth: 36,
            loadingImageHeight: 36
        }, options);

        var self = this;
        var form = $($(self).find("form").get(formIndex));
        // Request the remote document
            url: $(form).attr("action"),
            type: "POST",
            dataType: "html",
            data: $(form).serialize(),
            beforeSend: function () {
                $(self).html($("<img width='" + setting.loadingImageWidth + "' height='" + setting.loadingImageHeight + "'>")
                    .attr("src", setting.loadingImage)
                    .css("border", "none"));
            success: function (data) {
//                responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
//                if (jqXHR.isResolved()) {
//                    jqXHR.done(function (r) {
//                        responseText = r;
//                    });
//                    self.html(responseText);
//                }
//                if (callback) {
//                    self.each(callback, [responseText, status, jqXHR]);
//                }

        return this;
})( jQuery );