Monday, June 25, 2018

python flask mail send example using smtp protocol with google less secure app access

from flask import Flask, Blueprint, url_for
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
import os

mail_settings = {
"MAIL_PORT": 587,
"MAIL_USE_SSL": False,
"MAIL_PASSWORD": 'password',
"DEBUG": True

app = Flask(__name__)

mail = Mail(app)
site = Blueprint('site', __name__)

def index():
return '<a href="' + url_for('site.send') + '">send</a>'

def send():
msg = Message(subject="Hello",
body="This is a test email I sent with Gmail and Python!")
return 'SENT'

# flask_mail сан ашиглахгүй гэвэл доорх код бас ажиллана

# # SMTP_SSL Example
# import smtplib
# # server_ssl = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465)
# smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
# smtpserver.ehlo()
# smtpserver.starttls()
# smtpserver.ehlo()
# smtpserver.login("", "password")
# # ssl server doesn't support or need tls, so don't call server_ssl.starttls()
# smtpserver.sendmail("", "", "test message")
# #server_ssl.quit()
# smtpserver.close()
return 'SENT'


if __name__ == '__main__':'', 5000)

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